
发布时间:2018-07-06 浏览次数:7046


教授 硕士生导师(学术型和专业型)

Email:  hzhuang@mailbox.gxnu.edu.cn


专任教师   2016年至今             广西师范大学数学与统计学院

博士后    2014.09—2016.09         美国乔治城大学医学院

博士      2010.09—2014.07       南开大学数学学院

实验设计 (Design of Experiments)


[19] Fang, H. B., Huang, H., Yuan, A., Fan, R. and Tan, M. (2024+). Integrative Classification Using Structural Equation Modeling of Homeostasis. Statistics in Biosciences. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12561-024-09418-9.

[18] Mo, G., Wang, Y., Wei, S., Li, J., Huang, H. and Zhang, X. (2024+). Construction of Two-level Component Orthogonal Arrays for Order-of-Addition Experiments. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods. https://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2024.2301978.

[17] Huang, H. and Liu, M. Q. (2024+). Two-Dimensional Maximin Power Designs for Combination Experiments of Drugs. Communications in Mathematics and Statistics, DOI: 10.1007/s40304-023-00388-w.

[16] Huang, H. (2024).Design for Order-of-Addition Experiments with Two-level Components. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics,51, 142-170.

[15] Huang, H., Liu, M. Q., Tan, M. and Fang, H. B. (2023). Design and Modeling for Drug Combination Experiments with Order Effects. Statistics in Medicine, 42, 1353-1376.

[14] Wang, X. and Huang, H. (2023). Group Symmetric Latin Hypercube Designs for Symmetrical

Global Sensitivity Analysis. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 179, 107625.

[13] Yin, C. and Huang, H. (2021). A Method of Constructing Optimal Sliced Uniform Designs under Discrete Discrepancy. Stat, 10, e388.

[12] Huang, H., Yu, H., Liu, M. Q. and Wu, D. (2021). Construction of Uniform Designs and Complex-structured Uniform Designs via Partitionable t-designs. Statistica Sinica, 31, 1689-1706.

[11] Huang, H. (2021). Construction of Component Orthogonal Arrays with any Number of         Components. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,213, 72-79.

[10] Huang, H. and Chen, X. (2021). Compromise Design for Combination Experiment of Two                     Drugs.Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 157, 107150.

[9] Huang, H. (2021). Multi-drug Combination Designs with Experiments in silico. Statistics                     and Its Interface, 14, 373-388.

[8] Li, W., Guo, B., Huang, H. and Liu, M. Q. (2021). Semifoldover Plans for Three-level                                       Orthogonal Arrays with Quantitative Factors. Statistical Papers, 62, 2691-2709.

[7] Huang, H., Lin, D. K. J., Liu, M. Q. and Zhang, Q. (2020). Variable Selection for Kriging in Computer Experiments. Journal of Quality Technology, 52, 40-53.

[6] Huang, H., Fang, H. B., and Tan, M. (2018). Experimental Design for Multi-drug Combination Studies Using Signaling Networks. Biometrics, 74, 538-547.

[5] Huang, H., Zhou, S., and Liu, M. Q. (2017).Acceleration of The Stochastic Search Variable Selection via Componentwise Gibbs Sampler.Metrika,80, 289-308.

[4] Huang, H., Lin, D. K. J., Liu, M. Q. and Yang, J. (2016).Computer Experiments with Both Qualitative and Quantitative Variables. Technometrics,58, 495-507.

[3] Chen, H., Huang, H., Lin, D. K. J. and Liu, M. Q. (2016).Uniform Sliced Latin Hypercube Designs.Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry,32, 574-584.

[2] Huang, H., Yang, J.and Liu, M. Q. (2014).Functionally Induced Priors for Componentwise Gibbs Sampler in The Analysis of Supersaturated Designs.Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 72,1-12.

[1] Huang, H., Yang, J. and Liu, M. Q. (2014). Construction of Sliced (Nearly) Orthogonal Latin Hypercube Designs. Journal of Complexity, 30, 355-365.

  1. 国家自然科学基金地区项目:“药物组合试验的设计与建模方法研究”,项目负责人(Principle Investigator) 批准编号:12261011,执行期限:202301-202612月,在研.

3. 广西科技基地和人才专项项目:“新型抗癌药物的合成设计与统计分析研究”,项目负责人(Principle Investigator),批准编号:2018AD19235,执行期限:201906-202205月,已结题.

2. 广西自然科学基金青年项目:“计算机试验及超饱和设计变量选择问题的研究”,项目负责人(Principle Investigator),批准编号:2018JJB110027,执行期限:201901-202112月,已结题.

1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:“多药物组合试验的最优设计与分析研究”,项目负责人(Principle Investigator),批准编号:11701109,执行期限:201801-202012月,已结题.